Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Entry #2 - First Experience with SQ4R

How did SQ4R help you to be aware of not only what, you were reading, but how you were reading?

Using SQ4R brought me awareness of how I was reading by requiring annotation. I was able to catch myself when my mind was wandering because I would get to the end of a page and realize I didn't use any sticky notes. This would force me to go back and reread the section and look for the main points.

By reviewing the article using SQ4R prior to reading, I had an idea of what was to come before I began. After surveying the text, the questioning step also gave me concepts to look for as I read. In addition, by using sticky notes as opposed to underlining or highlighting, I retained more information because I was writing it out which helps me to recall information better. I normally take notes in a separate notebook but by writing on the text itself, my notes were more connected to the actual text so I could easily find the section in the article that related to my notes when I was looking for more details. It also helped me to focus on one section at a time rather than looking at the article as a whole.

In what ways did using SQ4R help you be ready to participate in the Forum discussions with your peers?

The notes that I took as part of SQ4R prepared me for the Forum discussion by highlighting key ideas or points that stood out to me during the reading. I was also able to look back through the relevant sections and easily find the key point and the text that supported it. By having the notes right on the page as a reminder, it was easier to recall information from the text.

Moving forward, what habits might you need to build in order to help you have more ownership and become a more purposeful and creative reader of texts? What habits might you need to build in order to be prepared to engage in discussions with classmates about the texts you read?

Since I often have a limited time to spend on reading, I typically would skip some of these steps on my own, however by building in extra time prior to, during, and after reading, I think I will actually save myself time from having to go back and reread a section of text. By taking these extra steps I will retain more of what I read. Some of these steps initially felt a little awkward but should feel more comfortable as I practice the SQ4R method of reading.

I am interested in hearing from the class as to what others think being a creative reader means.

I have often felt that reading the questions that I will be expected to answer prior to reading helps me to know what to focus on. On the other hand, I also like to do the reading without looking at the discussion questions so I go into the reading without any preconceived ideas of what I will be expected to know. I think that SQ4R would support reading the discussion questions prior to reading the text as it would help define the purpose for reading.

Prior to responding to discussions, reviewing the questions created from the headings and subheadings and the notes that I took will help to have all of the content fresh in my mind as I engage with the material and my classmate's comments. I will also be able to quickly access information needed from the text as I participate in discussions.


1 comment:

  1. Jen, you offer some appropriate responses to the questions posed in the prompt for this week. As you continue to write your entries though, keep in mind that you want to write in a sustained way rather than a Q&A. Let's talk if you aren't sure how to approach this.


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